​Wessex Region of Technologists and Inventors
​Previously - Wessex Round Table of Inventors
The WRTI Constitution was agreed on 12th July 2006
Wessex Region of Technologists and Inventors (WRTI) is an inventors' club run by inventors for inventors. The Club exists to provide a positive environment within which Club Members can gain encouragement and support for their ideas and where Members can share experiences and knowledge of the inventing process.
The Club endeavours to encourage or provide the following on behalf of all Members:
Regular meetings focusing on inventors' areas of interest, providing networking opportunities.
Learning opportunities for gaining personal and product development skills.
A regular newsletter.
Internet-based inventors' information.
Exclusive access to WRTI members' Interests & Skills database.
Participation at exhibitions, media events and trade shows.
Sources of financial and other help.
Representation to governmental, local and national authorities.
Feedback from Members to enhance their satisfaction with the Club.
Mutually supportive relationships with other organisations, inventors clubs and associations.
The following four categories of Membership shall apply:
Ordinary Member - anyone over the age of 18, who is an inventor or who can demonstrate a serious intention to invent.
Associate Member - anyone over the age of 18 possessing skills that are, or may be, of direct benefit to the Club and whose intention is to assist Members.
Student Member - open to full time and part time undergraduate/postgraduate students over the age of 18 of recognised UK further education establishments.
Honorary Member - awarded at the discretion of the Club to people over the age of 18 who have displayed an outstanding contribution to the success of the club and/or to the inventing community.
All Members will at all times keep confidential information acquired either directly or indirectly as a consequence of membership of the Club.
All Members agree to the fullest extent permitted by law not to hold the Club liable for any actions committed by any of its Members.
A probationary period of three calendar months applies to all new applicants for Membership, during which time existing Members may register any objections to the application with the Committee, including the grounds for their objection. If three or more objections relating to any new applicant are received within the probationary period, the Committee shall consider the application and report on its findings to Members at the next ordinary or general meeting. The applicant shall be informed of the Club's decision within seven days of such meeting.
The Committee has the right to refuse or withdraw Membership in the interests of the Club and any dispute may be put to an independent arbiter.
Termination of Membership shall be:
By resignation
From non-payment of subscriptions/fees overdue by 3 months or more
By Committee decision (as above)
Ordinary Meetings are held at regular intervals and are open to Members and Guests, who sign the WRTI non-disclosure agreement prior to the start of the meeting.
General Meetings at which the formal business of the Club is managed are open to Members only and are held at least annually. Quorum for all General Meetings (except as defined in section 10) shall be one third of the paid-up membership.
Committee Meetings are meetings of the elected Committee.
The Committee arranges the programme of Club meetings/venues, sets membership/other fees, agrees expenditure and otherwise ensures the day to day operation of the Club to the benefit of the Members, in line with the Constitution.
The Committee shall comprise five WRTI Members to include the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
The Chairman shall:
Ensure that the WRTI constitution is upheld.
Act as spokesman for the Club and appropriately represent WRTI (or delegate this to another WRTI Member).
Chair WRTI meetings, with a casting vote as necessary.
Approve the minutes of Committee meetings and the AGM.
The Vice-Chairman shall deputise for the Chairman as required.
The Secretary shall:
Set meeting agendas.
Send out notices to members.
Send and respond to WRTI correspondence.
Keep appropriate records not held by the Membership Secretary or Treasurer.
Minute all committee meetings and the AGM.
Ensure minutes are made available to members, within a reasonable time period.
The Membership Secretary shall:
Receive and process membership requests.
Issue requests for subscriptions and reminders for unpaid subscriptions.
Maintain an up to date register of Members.
The Treasurer shall:
Be responsible for WRTI income and expenditure.
Record the accounts and arrange for independent annual audit.
Report the Club's financial position at Committee meetings and at the AGM.
Maintain suitable bank account(s) in the name of WRTI.
Ensure that at least three Committee Members are WRTI cheque signatories and that cheques include two signatures (not the payee's).
The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary are to report at each Committee meeting and the Chairman and Treasurer are to report at the AGM.
The positions of Publicity Officer and Webmaster may be undertaken by Committee Members holding other posts - alternatively co-opted Members can be sought and appointed.
The Publicity Officer shall be responsible for Club publicity in general and the content of the Club newsletter.
The Webmaster shall be responsible for the content of the Club website(s), domain name management, hosting and e-mail forwarding.
The Committee may co-opt Members to vacant Committee positions. Additional temporary or permanent Committee Members may be added, as and when considered appropriate by the Committee.
Meetings shall be held at intervals not exceeding eight weeks.
Two weeks notice of meetings shall be given.
Agendas shall be circulated to all Committee Members one week prior to a meeting.
Meetings shall be open to Committee and co-opted Members only, but may include guests invited by the Secretary.
Quorum for Committee Meetings shall be no less than three Committee Members.
Members should submit proposals in writing to the Secretary with item(s) that they wish to be considered by the Committee. The Secretary shall place the item(s) on the next Committee meeting agenda for consideration, or invite the member to present the item personally.
Shall be held each July, with four weeks notice given of the date of the Meeting.
Two weeks notice is to be given of the agenda and details of motions to be considered.
Only paid up Members and Associate Members may participate in the AGM.
If quoracy is not achieved, a further meeting shall be held within 2 months.
The purpose of the AGM shall be for Members to:
Adopt the minutes of the previous AGM.
Receive reports from the Chairman and Treasurer.
Hear and vote on all nominated and seconded motions (at least 50% of the Members present must support a motion for it to be accepted).
Elect the Committee.
Provide feedback and suggestions on the Club's operation.
Copies of proposed motions, which may include proposals for changes to the constitution, should be signed by the Proposer and Seconder (who must both be Ordinary Members) and received by the Secretary three weeks before the AGM.
All Committee positions become due for election at the AGM.
All Nominees must be Members and have a Seconder who is also a Member.
All paid up Ordinary Members present may participate in any voting, Associate Members are ineligible to vote.
Voting will be by show of hands or other process as deemed fit by the Chairman.
The Chairman may only vote in any elections needing a casting vote.
In the event of any Committee positions remaining unfilled at the AGM, the elected Committee may fill the vacancies by co-option.
If at any General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the Club is passed by a 75 % majority of the Members present and at a special general meeting held not less than six weeks later (of which not less than four weeks' written notice has been given to each Member) and at which not less than one-half of the Members are present that resolution is confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of 75% of the Members voting on it, the Committee must immediately, or at such future date as is specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the property of the club and after the discharge of all liabilities, must divide such property if applicable among all the Ordinary Members only, and on the completion of the division the Club will be dissolved.
The Club's correspondence address to be the address of the current Secretary.