​Wessex Region of Technologists and Inventors
​Previously - Wessex Round Table of Inventors
Regional Inventors Clubs and International Associations for Inventors:
UK Regional Inventors' Clubs:
Birmingham Inventors Club. website: http://www.kw.ukfsn.org/biwiki/
Black Country Inventors Club. Dudley. website: http://www.blackcountryinventors.co.uk/
Cambridge Hi-Tech Association of Small Enterprises (CHASE). website: http://www.chase.org.uk/
Croydon Round Table of Inventors. website: http://www.therti.org.uk/
East London Inventors Club. website: http://www.eastlondoninventorsclub.com/club-meetings.html
Ideas North West. Blackburn. website: http://www.ideasnorthwest.co.uk/
Kent Inventors Forum. website: https://www.facebook.com/
Kingston Round Table of Inventors. website: http://www.kingstoninventors.org.uk/
Leeds Inventors Group. website: leedsinventorsgroup.blogspot.co.uk
Malvern Inventors Club. website: http://www.malvern-inventors.co.uk/
Manchester Inventors Group. website: http://www.manchesterinventors.com/
North East Inventors Club [e-mail] d.lycett@knowledgehouse.ac.uk
North Wilts Inventors Club. website:
Oxford Entrepreneurs Society. website: http://www.oxfordentrepreneurs.co.uk/
Rural Inventor's Club (West Sussex) [e-mail] graham@dagr.demon.co.uk
Scottish Innventors & Innovators Network (glasgow). website:
South West Inventors Club. Yeovil. (Somerset & Dorset). website: https://sites.google.com/site/southwestinventors/
Wessex Round Table of Inventors (WRTI). website:
Club not listed?
See also British Library 'Inventors Clubs' page. If you know of an inventors' club not listed, e-mail webmaster@wrti.co.uk and let us know.
If you would like to start an inventors' club, see starting a club.
National Inventors' Associations:
Inventors Association Australia (Vic): http://www.inventorvic.com.au/
Brazil website: http://www.inventores.com.br/
Kuwait website: www.ksclub.org
Malaysia website: www.minds.org.my
Netherlands www.novu.nl
New Zealand website: http://www.kiwiingenuity.net/
Spain website: http://www.inventoseinventores.com/
UK The British Inventors Society. website: http://www.thebis.org/
If you know of an association not listed, e-mail webmaster@wrti.co.uk and let us know.
WRTI maintains the most comprehensive source of information on the web for inventors: Inventors' Links