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The WRTI Book of Practical Inventing

by Alan Finn



Chapter Headings


Developing Ideas – Validating the Business Potential – Searching – Protecting Ideas and Intellectual Property – Business Planning – Raising Funds – Making Prototypes – Independent Testing of Prototypes – Bringing Inventions to Market – CE Marking – Marketing Communications and Publicity – Sales – Knowing When to Let Go




Alan Finn, Principal Consultant, FINNbiz Consultants – Gary Townley, Business Outreach Manager, UK Intellectual Property Office - Eileen Modral, Director, Oxford Opportunity Network - Chris Clegg, Director, Microfunding – Mike Overy, Past WRTI Chairman with patents in mobile phone and wireless areas – Tim Pateman, social researcher in Civil Service and inventor – Colin Cramphorn, Director, InventionsUK – John Gibbs, inventor with patents in automotive testing – Mark Newland, Director, Abraham Associates Ltd. – Jan Nicklewicz, Managing Director, JNDC Ltd. – Howard Clarke, Chairman and Research Director, Morgan Innovation and Technology – Morten R. Pedersen, Senior Business Manager, Intertek Testing and Certification – Richard Little, Managing Director, Jenton International -  Malcolm Clark, Director, McLaren Clark PR Consulting – Professor Steve Dixon, Director, Centre for Industrial Ultrasonics, Warwick University. Illustrations are by artist Charlotte Milner.


Obtaining it


The book is available (currently in electronic form only) as a download for £8.99 from:



                                                                                           Â© WRTI 2014 



SBN 978-87-403-0764-1


Published by Bookboon




This book is a comprehensive overview of the whole process of innovation and invention, written from a practical viewpoint. It provides an introduction to all the aspects that innovators, inventors and their associates need to think about when planning the development and commercialisation of their ideas. The 15 contributors to the book have expertise and experience of different parts of the innovation lifecycle.





Although novice inventors and smaller companies dealing with the complexities of innovation will find the book especially useful, seasoned innovation professionals will also gain insights into the perspectives and experiences of their colleagues involved in other aspects of the process.

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